Upcoming events

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November 2, 2024
7pm - 10pm


Nightfever is a night of invitation for those passing by the church to come inside, light a candle and encounter the beauty of Jesus Christ in His Church.

December 7, 2024
7pm - 10pm


Nightfever is a night of invitation for those passing by the church to come inside, light a candle and encounter the beauty of Jesus Christ in His Church.


Everyone makes a personal and unique journey during these ‘40 days and 40 nights’. We start with our call to pray, fast and give alms. How might you join in this and how could St Patrick’s be part of that journey?


Why not commit to spending time in prayer each day? Join us for morning adoration, find an opportunity to go to confession or perhaps just to sit or pray.


In Lent, we are called to abstain from indulging and to instead make sacrifices, following Christ’s example when He fasted in the desert for forty days. Consider what you are called to give up this Lent.


As Christians, we should ‘give alms’, meaning to pass our riches and food to those living in poverty. Lent is a particular time that we should intentionally consider how we might give more.

Christmas at St Patrick's

You're invited to join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ over this beautiful Christmas season.

Grow in your faith

We believe that the wisdom of the Church and its saints can help us to live meaningful and truly happy lives today.

Our events help people to explore the big questions and to meet others on the same journey.

Serve the poor

Open House is our service to the homeless people of London and it is exactly what it sounds like.

We open up our house to those in need, giving them a space to relax, eat great food, share good company and be restored.

Pray with us

We are a house of prayer where you can pray, rest, and listen to God speaking to your heart.

Because of this, the doors of St Patrick’s are open to all, from 7am to 7pm, every day.

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Join us for Mass

In the Holy Mass, Jesus comes to be with us in the form of bread and wine.

This profound encounter with Christ is at the heart of all we do here at St Patrick’s.

If you are new and want to get to know our community, the best way is to join us for Mass.

The heart of all we do

In Eucharistic adoration, Jesus Christ speaks to our hearts and we grow in our love for Him.

Join the team

Our church is powered by people giving generously of their gifts and time.

If you are passionate about our mission then we would love for you to join our team.

Who we are

Meet our people and learn more about our mission.

Fr Alexander's Travels

After 20 years at St Patrick's and 40 years serving as a priest, Fr Alexander, our parish priest, is taking a year of reflection in 2025. His time away is one of a deeply spiritual journey. As we keep him in our prayers, he is keeping us periodically updated through 'Travels with Petroc', his travel journal.


Support our mission

We rely on your generosity to make all of our ministry and work possible. Please consider giving regularly to St Patrick’s as this allows us to plan for the future and to ensure that our mission in Soho is sustainable.